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Our clinical research themes are:
1. The search for clinically useful biomarkers to guide treatment decisions in mood disorders.
2. To use non-invasive targeted stimulation of the brain to better understand mood disorders.
3. To use non-invasive neurostimulation to treat mood disorders.

We are conducting a research study evaluating the effect of pairing rTMS with a medication to enhance its ability to improve symptoms of fibromyalgia. This study is currently recruiting individuals with fibromyalgia aged 18-65, who have had no changes in medications for at least four weeks. This study involves a screen visit and 4 weeks of daily rTMS sessions (20 sessions). Participants will continue with current medication/therapy.
Can medication enhance the neurological effects of non-invasive brain stimulation?
We are conducting a study in healthy individuals to test a strategy of using medication to amplify brain changes caused by non-invasive neurostimulation (repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation). This trial is a first step towards supporting our long-term goal of improving the benefit to patients who receive this Health Canada approved treatment.
Brain development in children and youth (8-12 years old) with anxiety.
We are conducting a brain imaging study in children and youth with anxiety to understand how the brain develops during this critical period. This involves three brain scans every six months (over a year) to track how important parts of the brain function and change in children and youth with anxiety and typically developing children and youth.
McGirr Lab
Mathison Centre for Mental Health Research & Education
3280 Hospital Dr NW, Calgary, AB T2N 4Z6
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